Hey there!
So as you can see; I have a new, shiny, redesigned site. All courtesy of the extremely talented tygzy over at http://tyler.contact/ !
This secret project has been in the works for a while now being constantly iterated upon and the final result is something that is not only just beautiful and fun to interact with, but on a more personal level it perfectly and accurately reflects my taste in aesthetics and web design. tygzy's overall professionalism, creativity, commitment to see this project through and execution has beyond exceeded my expectations.
One of the cool new features is this blog! Which I mainly intend to use to share updates and progress on some of my projects but I also want to try my hand at writing a variety of articles concerning game development, modding, as well as just about anything else I feel like talking about. Movies and TV shows I like, what music I'm listening to, artists who inspire me, what games I'm currently playing and what I think of them, chicken recipes, and who-knows-what-else!? Only time will tell!
Feel free to explore the new design and to let me know what you think of it by sharing your thoughts in the comment section below (another awesome new feature!)
Once again, massive thanks to tygzy, without whom this simply wouldn't have been possible. I can't wait to begin sharing some of the things I've secretly been working on.
Peace !
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